Until now, the choice of top quality handlebar bags designed for classic fork mounted racks has been very limited. We are importing these gorgeous handmade canvas bags from Japan. Featuring heavy duty materials including leather straps for both bar and rack and canvas piping, these bags have internal stiffeners and plenty of pockets on the outside. Top flap has a clear map pocket and opens from the front.

Available in gray or khaki in three sizes: Mini, Small, Medium. (We can special order the following colors, but the wait time is 3 months: white, navy, red, brown & beige.)

This is our top selling bag.

A note on materials and construction: the side pockets are flush with the sides to improve aerodynamics. Canvas duck is inherently waterproof. When wet, the fibers expand so that water cannot penetrate the bag; contents will remain dry without need for a coating.

W: 20 cm X H: 22 cm X D: 14 cm
weight 510 g

W: 22 cm X H: 25 cm X D: 17 cm
weight: 760 g

W: 270 mm X H: 240 mm X D: 200 mm
weight: 830 g